Saturday, March 29, 2014

Thoughts about a masterclass...

Yesterday, Professor Gusztav Hona from the "Liszt Ferenc" Music Academy in Budapest, Hungary and the Corpus Trombone Quartet were the guests of The University of Iowa Trombone Studio. In the afternoon preceding the guest recital, selected members from the trombone studio had an opportunity to perform for Prof. Hona. Excerpts form Mozart to Mahler were heard, as well as solos.
It is quite interesting to hear the slightly different style, or approach if you will (the so called "European" style) to some technical and stylistic aspects of trombone playing. Even if certain concepts might be more or less different at times, the elements of basic musicianship are always the biggest problem when students perform. It is always the small details which constitute the problem. Intonation and rhythm deficiencies are the most common issue !!!
Great musicians  are always very sensitive to those elements regardless of where they trained and which "trombone playing school" they belong to.
It's always a well invested and extraordinary important time to check on tuning, rhythm accuracy and variety of articulations when we practice...just to name a few important basics.
Quality over quantity !

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